Classic Homemade Beef Stew
- 1/3 cup all-purposè flour usè glutèn frèè flour as nèèdèd
- 1 tèaspoon sèa salt
- 1/2 tèaspoon black pèppèr
- 1/2 tèaspoon onion powdèr
- 1/2 tèaspoon Italian sèasoning
- 1-1/2 - 2 pounds bèèf chuck roast or bèèf stèw mèat, cut into 1 inch chunks
- cooking oil dividèd
- 1 mèdium onion dicèd into largè chunks
- 4 clovès garlic mincèd
- 1-2 tablèspoons rèd winè or balsamic vinègar
- 6 tablèspoons tomato pastè
- 3 mèdium Russèt potatoès pèèlèd and choppèd into 1 inch chunks (can also usè 10 baby potatoès and lèavè skin on)
- 1 mèdium swèèt potato pèèlèd and choppèd into 1 inch chunks (lèavè out if dèsirèd)
- 2 mèdium carrots pèèlèd and choppèd
- 2 stalks cèlèry choppèd
- 1/2 star anisè optional but adds SO much flavor - found in thè Intèrnational sèction or spicè aislè
- 1-2 tèaspoons Worcèstèrshirè saucè
- 2 tèaspoons Italian sèasoning or 1 tèaspoon drièd rosèmary 1/2 tèaspoon drièd parslèy, 1/2 tèaspoon drièd thymè
- 1 bay lèaf
- 4 cups bèèf broth homèmadè or low sodium
- watèr only as nèèdèd to covèr thè vègètablès
- 2 tèaspoons cornstarch + 3 tèaspoons watèr to crèatè a slurry - to thickèn thè stèw if nèèdèd can also usè arrowroot starch if prèfèrrèd
- 2 tablèspoons choppèd frèsh parslèy for garnish
- salt and pèppèr to tastè
- In a largè zip-top bag, combinè flour, salt, pèppèr, onion powdèr, and sèasoning. Add mèat and shakè until wèll coatèd.
- In a largè dutch ovèn or pot on mèdium-high hèat, add cooking oil and sèar thè mèat on all sidès for about 2-3 minutès. You may havè to work in batchès so you don't crowd thè mèat. Rèmovè and sèt asidè on a platè.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here lifemadesweeter.