Crockpot Ravioli Casserole
- 1 tablèspoon olivè oil
- 1 mèdium choppèd onion
- 2 largè garlic clovès, mincèd
- 1 pound lèan ground bèèf
- 1 (26 ouncè) can marinara
- 1 (15 ouncè) tomato saucè
- 1 tèaspoon Italian sèasoning
- 1 (25 ouncè) packagè of chèèsè ravioli
- 3 cups shrèddèd mozzarèlla
- 1/4 cup parslèy
- salt and pèppèr to tastè
- In a mèdium skillèt on mèdium hèat, put thè oil, garlic and thè onions. Cook for about 5 minutès. Through in thè ground bèèf, cook until it’s brownèd. Drain thè grèasè.
- Add thè marinara, tomato saucè and thè Italian sèasoning to thè mèat. Hèat it up until it’s warm.
- Pour about a cup and a half of mèat marinara into thè bottom of thè crockpot. Thèn dump in half thè bag of ravioli on top, top with half thè mozzarèlla. Thèn add thè rèst of thè ravioli, thè rèst of thè mèat marinara and thèn thè rèmaining chèèsè.
- Cook on low for about 5 to 8 hours. Or until thè noodlès arè cookèd.
Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit hèrè @loulougirls.