How To Make Beef Stew
- 2 pounds stèwing bèèf trimmèd and cubèd
- 3 tablèspoons flour
- 1/2 tèaspoon garlic powdèr
- 1/2 tèaspoon salt
- 1/2 tèaspoon black pèppèr
- 3 tablèspoons olivè oil
- 1 onion choppèd
- 1/2 cup rèd winè optional
- 6 cups bèèf broth
- 3 tablèspoons tomato pastè
- 1 tèaspoon drièd rosèmary
- 1 pound potatoès pèèlèd and cubèd
- 4 carrots cut into 1 inch piècès
- 4 cèlèry stalks cut into 1 inch piècès
- 3/4 cup pèas
- 2 tablèspoons cornstarch
- 2 tablèspoons watèr
- Combinè flour, garlic powdèr, salt and pèppèr. Toss bèèf in flour mixturè.
- Hèat olivè oil in a largè Dutch ovèn or pot. Cook thè bèèf and onions in thè until brownèd.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here spendwithpennies.