One-Pot Italian Tomato Chicken and Rice
- 1 tbsp olivè oil
- 4 chickèn thigh cutlèts
- 4 drumsticks
- 1 rèd onion , cut into 8 wèdgès
- 1 rèd capsicum/bèll pèppèr , dèsèèdèd and choppèd
- 4 wholè garlic clovès , smashèd with thè back of a knifè
- 1/2 cup pittèd olivès
- 1/2 cup Sundrièd tomato strips in oil
- 1 tèaspoon drièd basil
- 1 tèaspoon drièd orègano
- 1/4 cup frèsh parslèy , finèly choppèd
- 1 cup long grain ricè
- 400 g can choppèd tomatoès
- 1 1/2 cups chickèn stock (or 1 1/2 cups watèr + 1 tablèspoon vègètablè stock powdèr)
- frèshly gratèd parmèsan chèèsè (to sèrvè)
- choppèd parslèy (to sèrvè)
- Get Full Recipe and Instructions, visit here: