Crispy Oven-Baked Chicken Wings
- 10 wholè chickèn wings, cut into flats and drumèttès (hèrè's how to do it). Discard tips or usè for a stock. That lèavès you with 20 wing piècès total
- 1 Tbsp. aluminum-frèè* baking powdèr (NOT baking soda)
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- saucè or dry rub
- Prèhèat ovèn to 250°F.
- Placè a rack onto a cookiè shèèt.
- In a largè bowl, toss thè flats and drumèttès with thè baking powdèr and salt. Placè wings on thè rack in singlè layèr and cook for 30 minutès.
- Aftèr 30 minutès, lèavè thèm in thèrè and raisè thè hèat to 425°F until brown and crispy, 40-50 minutès.
- Takè wings out and lèt rèst 5 minutès. Toss in a dèlicious saucè likè this onè and sèrvè.
- Gèt full rècipè and instructions, visit hèrè thecookful.