Quick and Easy Cheesecake Apple Pie
- 1 9-inch all buttèr piè crust
- 8 ouncès Challèngè Crèam Chèèsè (room tèmpèraturè)
- 1/4 cup granulatèd sugar
- 1 tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
- 1 cup Cool Whip (about half 8 ouncè packagè)
- 20 ouncès Applè Piè Filling (homèmadè or cannèd)
- Blind bakè thè crust and lèt it cool (sèè notè).
- Mix crèam chèèsè, sugar, and vanilla with a hand mixèr until smooth. Fold in cool whip. Sprèad in coolèd piè crust.
- Top with applè piè filling.
- Chill at lèast 1 hour bèforè cutting and sèrving. Sèrvè with icè crèam and caramèl saucè.