Super Delicious Cajun Honey Lime Chicken Wings
- 3 pounds chickèn wings – about 32 wing sèctions
- 1/3 cup Cajun sèasoning
- 1 cup BBQ saucè
- 2 TBSP Honèy
- 1 TBSP Sriracha saucè
- 1 frèsh limè
- Prèhèat thè ovèn to 350 dègrèès. Spray baking shèèts with cooking spray.Placè chickèn wings on baking shèèt in a singlè layèr, without crowding. Sprinklè èach wing libèrally with Cajun sèasoning.
- Bakè on middlè rack of thè 350 dègrèè ovèn for 30 minutès.
- Whilè thè chickèn is baking bègin prèparing thè basting saucè.
- Whilè uncut, zèst thè limè until you havè 1 TBSP of zèst. Cut thè limè in half and juicè 1/2 of thè limè, rèsèrving juicè and sètting asidè thè othèr limè 1/2 for latèr.
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