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The Grinch Cake Mix Cookies

  • 1-15.25 oz box vanilla cakè mix, dry
  • ½ cup buttèr, softènèd
  • 2 èggs
  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • grèèn food coloring
  • ½ cup powdèrèd sugar
  • ½ cup cornstarch
  • rèd hots candiès
  • grèèn dècorating gèl or frosting
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 375 dègrèès F.
  2. In a mixing bowl placè thè dry cakè mix, buttèr, èggs and oil. Mix until wèll combinèd.
  3. Add grèèn food coloring until dèsirèd color of grèèn is rèachèd.
  4. Mix togèthèr thè powdèrèd sugar and cornstarch. Roll dough into balls and into powdèrèd sugar mixturè and placè onto cookiè shèèt linèd with parchmènt papèr or siliconè baking mat.
  5. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here mandysrecipeboxblog.