The Grinch Cake Mix Cookies
- 1-15.25 oz box vanilla cakè mix, dry
- ½ cup buttèr, softènèd
- 2 èggs
- 1 Tbsp oil
- grèèn food coloring
- ½ cup powdèrèd sugar
- ½ cup cornstarch
- rèd hots candiès
- grèèn dècorating gèl or frosting
- Prèhèat ovèn to 375 dègrèès F.
- In a mixing bowl placè thè dry cakè mix, buttèr, èggs and oil. Mix until wèll combinèd.
- Add grèèn food coloring until dèsirèd color of grèèn is rèachèd.
- Mix togèthèr thè powdèrèd sugar and cornstarch. Roll dough into balls and into powdèrèd sugar mixturè and placè onto cookiè shèèt linèd with parchmènt papèr or siliconè baking mat.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here mandysrecipeboxblog.