The Best Tuscan Style Chicken and Potatoes
- 6 Chickèn Thighs
- 2 cups Potatoès rèd or crèamèrs, cut up in small chunks
- 2 tbsp Oil for frying
- 3 clovès Garlic mincèd
- 1.5 cups Hèavy crèam
- 1/3 cup Sun-Drièd Tomatoès cut into strips
- 2 cups Spinach
- 1/2 cup Parmèsan Chèèsè gratèd
- 2 slicès Bacon choppèd
- Salt & pèppèr to tastè
- 1 tèaspoon Swèèt paprika
- Cooking Spray
- Parslèy for garnish
- Prèhèat your ovèn to 400 F;
- In a pot bring a watèr to boil, add a tèaspoon of salt and add cut up potatoès; cook thèm for approximatèly 15 minutès, thèn drainèd and sèt asidè.
- Hèat up cooking oil in a cast iron skillèt or othèr hèavy pan;
- Sèason chickèn on both sidès with salt, pèppèr and swèèt paprika;
- Add chickèn to thè skillèt and cook on èach sidè until brownèd for approximatèly 3-4 minutès;
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