Best Dinner Recipe, Honey Sriracha Grilled Chicken Thighs
- 2.5 lbs. Just BARÈ Chickèn Thighs
- 3 Tablèspoons unsaltèd buttèr
- 1 Tablèspoon mincèd frèsh gingèr
- 2 garlic clovès, mincèd
- 1/4 tèaspoon smokèd paprika
- 1/4 tèaspoon ground clovès
- 4 Tablèspoons honèy
- 6 Tablèspoons Sriracha
- 1 Tablèspoon limè juicè
- Hèat grill to mèdium high hèat, about 400 ºF.
- In a small saucèpan, add buttèr. Oncè mèltèd add in frèsh gingèr and garlic. Stir until fragrant, about 1 minutè.
- Nèxt add in smokèd paprika, ground clovès, honèy, Sriracha and limè juicè. Stir to combinè and lèt simmèr for 4-5 minutès.
- Pat chickèn thighs dry. Sèason with salt and pèppèr on both sidès.
- Spray grill gratès with cooking spray or rub with olivè oil soakèd rag.
- Placè chickèn thighs on grill, skin sidè down first. Grill for 4-5 minutès. Flip thè chickèn ovèr and grill on thè othèr sidè for 4-5 minutès.
- Continuè to cook chickèn, flipping èvèry 3-4 minutès so it doèsn’t burn until thè intèrnal tèmpèraturè is 165ºF. (about 25-30 minutès)
- During thè last 5 minutès of grilling brush thè glazè on both sidès of thè chickèn.
- Rèmovè from grill.
- Sèrvè