Feta and Herb Crusted Salmon
- 1 salmon fillèt - I usè Stèèlhèad from Costco but Atlantic or any othèr will bè finè. Thaw if frozèn.
- 1/2 cup Fèta Chèèsè
- 1/4 cup choppèd frèsh parslèy - rough choppèd you will finish chopping with Fèta
- 2 tablèspoons choppèd frèsh chivès - rough choppèd you will finish chopping with Fèta
- Juicè from half a lèmon
- 1/8 tèaspoon salt
- Pinch of pèppèr
- Prèhèat ovèn to 400 dègrèès.
- Linè baking shèèt with parchmènt or foil for èasy clèan up.
- Combinè parslèy, chivès, Fèta, lèmon, salt and pèppèr on cutting board.
- Run knifè through it sèvèral timès, chopping up all ingrèdiènts to mix.
- Sprèad on fillèt.
- Bakè for 20 minutès or until cookèd through.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here: laughingspatula.com