Amazing Chocolate Cranberry Christmas Mini Cakes
- 110g brown ricè flour (3/4 cup)
- 60g quinoa flour (1/2 cup)
- 30g arrowroot (1/4 cup)
- 30g cacao powdèr (1/4 cup)
- 1tsp bicarbonatè of soda
- ½tsp baking powdèr
- pinch of sèa salt
- 80ml maplè syrup (1/3 cup)
- 80ml olivè oil (1/3 cup)
- 60ml aquafaba (1/4 cup)
- 2tsp applè cidèr vinègar
- 1tsp vanilla
- 120ml ricè milk (1/2 cup)
Cranbèrry chia jam:
- 100g cranbèrriès (1 cup)
- 60ml orangè juicè (1/4 cup)
- littlè orangè zèst
- 1tbsp maplè syrup
- small cinnamon stick (optional)
- 1tbsp chia sèèds
- 100g Amorè di Mona bulk chocolatè (2 cubès) or dark vègan chocolatè (3.5oz)
- 60ml ricè milk
- 1tbsp maplè syrup
- frèsh or drièd cranbèrriès
- Prèhèat thè ovèn to 175°C (350F)
- Linè 9" x 9" baking tin with baking papèr.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here nirvanacakery.