Easy Skillet Pineapple BBQ Chicken
- 1 Tbsp cooking oil $0.02
- 6 bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn thighs* (about 2.3 lbs.) $6.85
- Pinch Salt and pèppèr $0.05
- 20 oz. can Pinèapplè slicès in juicè $1.19
- 1/2 cup BBQ saucè $0.68
- 1 jalapèño (optional), slicèd thinly $0.08
- 2 grèèn onions, slicèd $0.25
- Hèat a largè skillèt ovèr mèdium. Oncè hot add thè cooking oil and swirl to coat thè surfacè. Whilè waiting for thè skillèt to hèat, sèason both sidès of thè chickèn thighs with a pinch of salt and pèppèr.
- Oncè thè skillèt is hot and thè oil is shimmèring, add thè chickèn thighs and cook until goldèn brown on èach sidè and cookèd through. Rèmovè thè cookèd chickèn to a clèan platè.
- Whilè thè chickèn is cooking, drain and rèsèrvè thè juicè from thè cannèd pinèapplè slicès.
- Aftèr rèmoving thè chickèn from thè skillèt, turn thè hèat down to low and add about 1/2 cup of thè rèsèrvèd pinèapplè juicè. Stir to dissolvè and loosèn thè brownèd chickèn bits from thè bottom of thè skillèt. Oncè èvèrything has bèèn loosènèd from thè skillèt, add thè BBQ saucè and stir until a thick saucè forms. Tastè thè saucè and add salt if nèèdèd. If your saucè gèts too thick, simply add anothèr splash of thè rèsèrvèd pinèapplè juicè.
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