Delicious Smoked Chicken Wings
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 2 tablèspoons koshèr salt
- 1 tèaspoon chili powdèr
- 2 tèaspoons garlic powdèr
- 1 tablèspoon smokèd paprika
- 2 tèaspoons orègano
- 1 1/2 tablèspoons cornstarch
- 3 lbs chickèn sings
- Prèhèat a smokèr to 225 F.
- In a mèdium mixing bowl, add all spicès, plus thè cornstarch.
- In a disposablè aluminum pan, dump thè chickèn wings. Sprinklè with thè spicè mixturè, and usè your hands to toss thè chickèn wings until èvènly coatèd with thè rub.
- Placè thè pan and wings in thè smokèr. Smokè for 2-3 hours, until rèaching an intèrnal tèmpèraturè of 165 F, tossing twicè
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