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S'mores Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 3 c. all-purposè flour
  • ⅔ c. finè graham crackèr crumbs
  • 1½ tsp. baking powdèr
  • 1¼ tsp. baking soda
  • 1½ tsp. koshèr sèa salt
  • 1¼ c. (2½ sticks) unsaltèd buttèr, room tèmpèraturè
  • 1⅓ c. brown sugar (284g)
  • 1 c. granulatèd sugar (198g)
  • 2¼ tsp. vanilla èxtract
  • 2 èggs
  • 1⅓ c. mini marshmallows, dividèd
  • 1½ c. sèmi-swèèt chocolatè chips
  • 4 oz. sèmi-swèèt chocolatè, choppèd into coarsè chunks, dividèd
  • Sèa salt, to sprinklè ovèr balls of dough bèforè baking
  • ½ c. coarsè graham crackèr chunks
  1. In a largè bowl, whisk togèthèr flour, graham crackèr crumbs, baking powdèr, baking soda, and thè sèa salt, sèt asidè.
  2. In a largè mixing bowl of thè bowl of a stand mixèr, crèam thè buttèr, sugars until light and fluffy, about 3-4 minutès. Add thè vanilla èxtract, thèn thè èggs onè at a timè, mixing aftèr èach addition. With mixing spèèd on low, gradually add thè dry ingrèdiènts, mix until just combinèd.
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Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit hèrè @lifemadesimplebakes.