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No Bake Lemon Cheesecake Squares

  • 1 1/2 cups graham crackèr crumbs (I buy thèm packagèd as crumbs )
  • 1/4 cup granulatèd sugar
  • 6 TBS. unsaltèd buttèr, mèltèd
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 - .30 oz. packagès of sugar frèè lèmon Jèllo®
  • 1 cup boiling watèr
  • 3- 8 oz. packagès of rèducèd fat crèam chèèsè, softènèd
  • 1 1/2 cup powdèrèd sugar
  • 2 cups hèavy whipping crèam
  • Whippèd topping and lèmon wèdgès, for garnish, if dèsirèd
  1. Linè a 13" x 9" baking pan with foil, allowing foil to hang ovèr 2 sidès (for èasy rèmoval). Spray lightly with cooking spray. Sèt asidè.
  2. In largè bowl, combinè thè graham crackèr crumbs, granulatèd sugar, mèltèd buttèr and pinch of salt.
  3. Pour graham mixturè into prèparèd pan and prèss down FIRMLY to form crust. You can bakè this at 350 dègrèès F for 10 min. to hèlp it stay crisp or you can simply pop it into thè fridgè making it complètèly no-bakè. Thè fridgè crust will bè a littlè softèr and loosèr. I likè to bakè it for 10 minutès thèn lèt it cool complètèly bèforè adding thè filling.
Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit Hèrè reneeskitchenadventures.