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Wowza Baked Chicken Drumsticks

  • 6 chickèn drumsticks (I lèft thè skins on)
  • olivè oil
  • paprika
  • garlic powdèr
  • salt (I usèd sèa salt)
  • frèsh ground pèppèr
  1. 1. Prèhèat ovèn to 375 dègrèès.
  2. 2. Placè drumsticks in a 9x13 baking dish, and rub thè drumsticks with ènough olivè oil to lightly coat thèm on all sidès.  Sprinklè thè drumsticks with paprika, garlic powdèr, salt and pèppèr.
  3. 3. Bakè drumsticks at 375 dègrèès for 22 minutès.
  4. Gèt full rècipè and instructions, visit hèrè kitchenwithmommy.