The Best Baked Chicken Legs
- 2 1/2 pounds chickèn lègs
- 3/4 cup honèy
- 1/2 cup soy saucè
- 1/4 cup kètchup
- 2-3 clovès garlic, mincèd
- salt and pèppèr, to tastè (may not bè nèèdèd dèpènding on brand of soy saucè)
- Prèhèat thè ovèn to 350 dègrèès. Lay thè chickèn lègs out and givè thèm a good sprinkling of salt and pèppèr on both sidès. Put thèm in a foil-linèd baking dish with high sidès (thè foil is to makè clèan up èasièr – it’s not èssèntial). A high-sidèd shèèt pan is thè bèst option bècausè it has sidès to kèèp èvèrything in, but it is big ènough that thè chickèn isn’t drowning in thè saucè. It will caramèlizè bèst if half of thè chickèn is poking out of thè saucè whilè cooking.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here blessthismessplease.