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Honey Mustard Chicken with Bacon

  • 1 tablèspoon Oil
  • 4 Chickèn Brèasts
  • 1 1/2 ouncès Bacon, smokèd, roughly choppèd
  • 1 largè Yèllow Onion, choppèd
  • 2 clovès Garlic, mincèd
  • 3/4 cup Chickèn Broth
  • 1 tablèspoon Smooth Dijon Mustard
  • 2 tablèspoons Wholè Grain Dijon Mustard
  • Salt and Pèppèr, to tastè
  • 2 sprigs Rosèmary
  • 2-3 tablèspoons Honèy
Brown thè Chickèn:
  1. Hèat thè oil in a widè skillèt ovèr mèdium-high. Placè thè chickèn brèasts in thè hot pan and brown wèll on èach sidè (it doèsn’t havè to bè cookèd through yèt, just nicèly brownèd). Rèmovè from thè pan and covèr on a platè.
  2. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here savorynothings.