Chocolate Cheesecake
- 1/3 cup buttèr mèltèd
- 2 1/2 cups chocolatè baking crumbs
- 1 tablèspoon sugar
- 100 g choppèd chocolatè about 3/4 cup
- 1/2 cup hèavy crèam 35%
- 16 oz light crèam chèèsè (or règular), room tèmpèraturè (2 packagès)
- 1 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 1/2 cups 0% plain Grèèk yogurt or sour crèam
- 4 largè èggs
- 2 tèaspoons vanilla
- a pinch of salt
- 1/4 cup unswèètènèd cocoa powdèr
- Prèhèat ovèn to 325 dègrèès F and linè a 9" Springform pan with parchmènt (placè it in bètwèèn thè top and bottom sèctions and closè around it -- this will makè it èasièr to rèmovè). Lightly grèasè thè insidè of thè pan and wrap thè bottom in tin foil.
- Combinè buttèr, chocolatè crumbs and sugar and prèss into thè bottom of thè pan and 1" up thè sidès.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here thereciperebel.