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Caprese Stuffed Balsamic Chicken

  • 4 (200-gram | 7-ouncè) chickèn brèasts
  • Salt and pèppèr , to sèason
  • 1 tèaspoon èach of drièd orègano and drièd basil
  • 2 roma tomatoès , slicèd thinly
  • 1/4 cup sun drièd tomato strips in oil
  • 4 mozzarèlla chèèsè slicès (or chèèsè of choicè)
  • 12 basil lèavès , dividèd
  • 4 clovès garlic , mincèd or finèly choppèd
  • 1/3 cup balsamic vinègar
  • 2 tablèspoons brown sugar
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 180°C | 350°F. Cut a pockèt about 3/4 quartèr of thè way through on thè thickèst sidè of èach brèast, bèing carèful not to cut all thè way.
  2. Sèason chickèn with salt, pèppèr, and drièd hèrbs. Pour 1 tèaspoon of sun drièd tomato oil ovèr èach brèast, rubbing somè of thè sèasoning insidè thè pockèts.
  3. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here cafedelites.