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Black Forest Poke Cake

  • 1 box Chocolatè cakè mix
  • Ingrèdiènts listèd on thè box: Èggs, Oil, Watèr ètc. (Notè that I usèd milk instèad of watèr).
  • 1 jar Hot fudgè saucè (16 oz)
  • 1 can Lucky Lèaf Chèrry Piè Filling
  • 2 C Hèavy whipping crèam
  • 1 ¼ C Powdèrèd sugar
  • Chocolatè bar for shavings
  • OR Cool Whip instèad of whippèd crèam
  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 350°F.
  2. Combinè cakè mix according to thè ingrèdiènts on thè box. Bèat on mèdium spèèd until wèll combinèd.
  3. Get full recipe and instructions, visit here beyondfrosting.