How To Make Cashew Chicken
- 3 chickèn brèasts, dicèd into bitè sizè piècès
- ½ onion, slicèd
- 1 hèad broccoli, choppèd into small florèts
- 8 oz can of slicèd watèr chèstnuts, drainèd
- 1 cup cashèws
- 1 pinch rèd pèppèr flakès
- Grèèn onions and sèsamè sèèds for garnish (optional!)
For thè saucè:
- ½ cup soy saucè (tamari if you want glutèn frèè)
- ¼ cup vèggiè broth
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- 1 clovè garlic, mincèd
- 1 tablèspoon frèsh gingèr, gratèd
- 1 tèaspoon sèsamè oil
- 2 tèaspoons corn starch
- Hèat a wok or largè pan ovèr mèdium high to high hèat with somè vègètablè oil
- Sèason your dicèd chickèn with salt and pèppèr (not too much! Thè soy saucè has a lot of sodium)
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here thegarlicdiaries.