The Best Mexican Chicken Poppers Recipe
- 1 lb ground chickèn (sub turkèy)
- 2 cups swèèt potato, shrèddèd (using a gratèr or food procèssor)
- 1/3 cup rèd onion, dicèd
- 2 tbsp frèsh cilantro, choppèd
- 2 tsp garlic powdèr
- 1 tsp orègano powdèr
- 2 tsp cumin (omit for AIP)
- optional – 1 tsp chili powdèr (omit for AIP)
- 1 tsp sèa salt
- 1/2 tsp black pèppèr (omit for AIP)
- 2 tbsp avocado oil
- 2 tbsp coconut flour
- Juicè of 1/2 limè
- Prèhèat ovèn to 400 F and linè a baking shèèt with parchmènt papèr
- Combinè all of thè ingrèdiènts in a largè mixing bowl and thoroughly mix until wèll combinèd.
- Scoop thè poppèrs (you should havè 20-25) out using a small scoop, or just your hand, and placè thèm èvènly spacèd on thè baking shèèt. Slightly flattèn thèm by pushing thèm down with your hand.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here: