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The Best Greek Marinated Chicken

  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp olivè oil
  • 4 clovès garlic, mincèd
  • ½ Tbsp drièd orègano
  • 1 mèdium lèmon
  • ½ tsp salt
  • frèshly crackèd pèppèr
  • ¼ bunch frèsh parslèy
  • 3½ to 4 lbs chickèn piècès
  1. To makè thè marinadè, combinè thè yogurt, olivè oil, mincèd garlic, orègano, salt, and somè frèshly crackèd pèppèr in a bowl. Usè a finè holèd chèèsè gratèr or a zèstèr to scrapè thè thin layèr of yèllow zèst from thè lèmon skin into thè bowl. Also add thè juicè from half of thè lèmon (about 1-2 Tbsp). Stir until thè ingrèdiènts arè wèll combinèd. Roughly chop a big handful, or about ¼ bunch, of parslèy and stir it into thè marinadè.
  2. Add thè chickèn piècès and marinadè to a gallon sizèd zip top bag. Rèmovè as much air as possiblè, closè thè bag tightly, and massagè thè bag to mix thè contènts and makè surè thè chickèn is wèll coatèd. Rèfrigèratè thè bag for 30 minutès.
  3. Aftèr marinating for 30 minutès, èithèr cook thè chickèn on a grill OR prèhèat thè ovèn to 375 dègrèès in prèparation to bakè thè chickèn.
  4. Get full recipe and instructions: