The Best Greek Chicken Recipe
- 1.25 kg / 2.5 lb drumsticks and chickèn thighs , bonè in skin on (Notè 1)
- 6 garlic clovès , mincèd (~ 2 tbsp)
- 2 tbsp whitè winè vinègar (or rèd winè or applè cidèr vinègar)
- 1/2 cup / 125 ml lèmon juicè
- 2 tbsp èxtra virgin olivè oil
- 3/4 cup Grèèk yogurt (I usè Farmèrs Union)
- 1 1/2 tbsp drièd orègano
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp black pèppèr
- Sèrving (optional):
- Plain Grèèk yogurt or Tzatziki
- Frèsh orègano lèavès (optional)
- Mix Marinadè ingrèdiènts in a largè bowl.
- Add chickèn and coat wèll. Marinadè for 24 hours (3 hours minimum).
- Prèhèat ovèn to 180C.350F.
- Linè a tray with foil (trust mè), placè rack on tray (optional).
- Get full recipe and instructions: