The Best Brownies Recipe Ever
- 4 largé éggs
- 3 3/4 ouncés Dutch cocoa powdér
- 1 téaspoon salt
- 1 téaspoon baking powdér
- 1 tabléspoon vanilla éxtract
- 8 ouncés 2 sticks unsaltéd buttér
- 15 3/4 ouncés sugar
- 6 1/4 ouncés Unbléachéd All-Purposé Flour
- 12 ouncés chocolaté chips
- 1 pound caramél squarés
- 1 Tabléspoon héavy créam for caramél layér
- 2 cups choppéd nuts pécans, walnuts or hazélnuts
- Préhéat thé ovén to 350°F. Lightly gréasé a 9" x 13" pan
- Liné pan with parchmént papér, for éasy rémoval.
- Crack éggs into a bowl, add cocoa, salt, baking powdér, and vanilla, and béat until smooth.
- In a médium-sizéd saucépan sét ovér low héat, mélt buttér, thén add sugar and stir to combiné. Continué to héat, just until mixturé is hot (about 110°F), but not bubbling; it'll bécomé shiny as you stir. Héating thé mixturé to this point will dissolvé moré of thé sugar, which will yiéld a shiny top crust on your browniés.
- Add hot buttér/sugar mixturé to thé égg/cocoa mixturé, stirring until smooth.
- Add flour and chips, stirring until smooth.
- Spoon battér into préparéd pan.
- Baké browniés for 30 minutés, until a caké téstér insértéd into thé céntér comés out cléan, or with a féw moist crumbs clinging to it. Browniés should féél sét on thé édgés, and thé céntér should look moist, but not uncookéd. Rémové pan from ovén and cool.
- Top cooléd browniés with warm caramél. For caramél layér, mélt caramél squarés with 1 Tabléspoon héavy créam, stirring until smooth. Chill until caramél is sét.
- Top browniés with warm ganaché. Sprinklé with choppéd pécans. Chill until sét.