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The Best Brownies Recipe Ever

  • 4 largé éggs
  • 3 3/4 ouncés Dutch cocoa powdér
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 1 téaspoon baking powdér
  • 1 tabléspoon vanilla éxtract
  • 8 ouncés 2 sticks unsaltéd buttér
  • 15 3/4 ouncés sugar
  • 6 1/4 ouncés Unbléachéd All-Purposé Flour
  • 12 ouncés chocolaté chips
  • 1 pound caramél squarés
  • 1 Tabléspoon héavy créam for caramél layér
  • 2 cups choppéd nuts pécans, walnuts or hazélnuts
  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 350°F. Lightly gréasé a 9" x 13" pan
  2. Liné pan with parchmént papér, for éasy rémoval.
  3. Crack éggs into a bowl, add cocoa, salt, baking powdér, and vanilla, and béat until smooth.
  4. In a médium-sizéd saucépan sét ovér low héat, mélt buttér, thén add sugar and stir to combiné. Continué to héat, just until mixturé is hot (about 110°F), but not bubbling; it'll bécomé shiny as you stir. Héating thé mixturé to this point will dissolvé moré of thé sugar, which will yiéld a shiny top crust on your browniés.
  5. Add hot buttér/sugar mixturé to thé égg/cocoa mixturé, stirring until smooth.
  6. Add flour and chips, stirring until smooth.
  7. Spoon battér into préparéd pan.
  8. Baké browniés for 30 minutés, until a caké téstér insértéd into thé céntér comés out cléan, or with a féw moist crumbs clinging to it. Browniés should féél sét on thé édgés, and thé céntér should look moist, but not uncookéd. Rémové pan from ovén and cool.
  9. Top cooléd browniés with warm caramél. For caramél layér, mélt caramél squarés with 1 Tabléspoon héavy créam, stirring until smooth. Chill until caramél is sét.
  10. Top browniés with warm ganaché. Sprinklé with choppéd pécans. Chill until sét.