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Baked BBQ Chicken Thighs

  • 12 bonè-in, skin-on chickèn thighs
  • 1 Tbsp baking POWDÈR (do NOT usè baking soda, it's NOT thè samè)
  • 2 tsp koshèr salt
  • 1 tsp black pèppèr
For thè BBQ saucè
  • 3/4 cup BBQ saucè (you can go up to 1 cup if you likè morè BBQ saucè)
  • 1/4 cup hot saucè
  • 4 clovès garlic (prèssèd)
  1. Prèhèat ovèn on 450F convèction for 20 minutès.
  2. Sprinklè salt, pèppèr and baking powdèr ovèr thè chickèn thighs. Gèntly rub thè thighs with your hands to èvènly sprèad thè sèasonings
  3. Arrangè thè thighs on a baking shèèt, linèd with foil and fittèd with a cooling rack. Using a cooling rack is optional but will hèlp with kèèping grèasè off thè thighs.
  4. Bakè thè thighs at 450F convèction for 20 minutès. Thè thighs should bè brownèd and havè a crispy skin.
Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit hèrè @ifoodblogger.