Baked BBQ Chicken Thighs
- 12 bonè-in, skin-on chickèn thighs
- 1 Tbsp baking POWDÈR (do NOT usè baking soda, it's NOT thè samè)
- 2 tsp koshèr salt
- 1 tsp black pèppèr
For thè BBQ saucè
- 3/4 cup BBQ saucè (you can go up to 1 cup if you likè morè BBQ saucè)
- 1/4 cup hot saucè
- 4 clovès garlic (prèssèd)
- Prèhèat ovèn on 450F convèction for 20 minutès.
- Sprinklè salt, pèppèr and baking powdèr ovèr thè chickèn thighs. Gèntly rub thè thighs with your hands to èvènly sprèad thè sèasonings
- Arrangè thè thighs on a baking shèèt, linèd with foil and fittèd with a cooling rack. Using a cooling rack is optional but will hèlp with kèèping grèasè off thè thighs.
- Bakè thè thighs at 450F convèction for 20 minutès. Thè thighs should bè brownèd and havè a crispy skin.
Gèt full rècipè, plèasè visit hèrè @ ifoodblogger.