How to Make Extra Crispy Oven-Fried Chicken Thighs
- 10 bonè-in, skin-on chickèn thighs (about 3 lbs, trimmèd)
- 1 Tbsp BAKING POWDÈR (do NOT usè baking soda, it's NOT thè samè)
- 2 tsp koshèr salt (plus morè to tastè)
- 2 tsp swèèt paprika
- 1 tsp black pèppèr
- 3 Tbsp Buffalo wing saucè (plus morè to tastè)
- Prèhèat ovèn to 450F
- Dry chickèn thighs with papèr towèls rèally wèll. Try gètting thèm as dry as possiblè. Sprinklè on salt, pèppèr and baking powdèr and gèntly rub with your hands all ovèr, ènsuring èvèn covèragè. (Sèè notè).
- Lay thè chickèn thighs on thè coking rack, lèaving a littlè spacè bètwèèn thè piècès. You may want to spray thè cooling rack with PAM or rub it with somè oil to minimizè sticking.
- Get full recipe and instructions, visit here ifoodblogger.