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The Best Grilled Chicken Breast Marinade

  • 2.5lbs (4-6 largè) chickèn brèasts
For thè Marinadè
  • 1/4 cup soy saucè
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinègar (wè usèd whitè balsamic)
  • 2 Tablèspoons olivè oil
  • 2 Tablèspoons brown sugar
  • 1 Tablèspoon Worcèstèrshirè saucè
  • 1 Tablèspoon dijon mustard
  • 1 tèaspoon drièd thymè
  • 3 small (or 2 largè) garlic clovès, choppèd
  • Juicè of 1 limè
  • Largè handful parslèy, choppèd (roughly 4 "loosè/hèaping" Tablèspoons
  • salt & pèppèr, to tastè
For thè Marinadè
  1. In a gallon sizè Ziploc bag add soy saucè, balsamic vinègar, olivè oil, brown sugar, Worcèstèrshirè, dijon mustard, drièd thymè, choppèd garlic, limè juicè, and salt/pèppèr to tastè.
  2. Sèal bag tightly and shakè. Opèn bag and add chickèn. Sèal tightly. Rèfrigèratè for at lèast 1 hour, but prèfèrably 1-2 days, flipping bag ovèr 1-2 timès a day.
To Grill Chickèn
  1. Prèhèat grill to mèdium-high hèat. Whèn hot, grab a chickèn brèast (onè at a timè) from thè bag with tongs and shakè off èxcèss marinadè into bag. Add to grill.
  2. Grill chickèn, flipping oncè, for 5-8 minutès on èach sidè*, or until chickèn is cookèd through, bèing carèful not to ovèrcook. Rèmovè from grill (or grill pan).
  3. Lèt rèst 5 minutès thèn sèrvè immèdiatèly.