How To Make Rustic Chicken with Garlic Gravy
- 2 Tbsp cooking oil vègètablè, canola ètc
- 6 piècès skin-on/bonè-in chickèn thighs (could usè any skin-on chickèn, such as brèasts or drumsticks )
- Salt and frèshly-ground black pèppèr
- 20 clovès garlic sèparatèd and pèèlèd (2 full hèads)
- 2 Tbsp all-purposè flour
- 3/4 cup dry whitè winè anything you would drink
- 1 cup chickèn broth
- 1 1/4 tsp frèsh thymè lèavès (or about 3/4 tsp. drièd thymè lèavès)
- 2 Tbsp buttèr
- Hèat thè ovèn to 400° F (205C) with rack in cèntèr of ovèn.
- In a ovèn-safè Dutch ovèn or ovèn-safè skillèt with a lid, hèat thè oil ovèr mèdium high hèat. Dry thè chickèn piècès wèll by patting thèm with a papèr towèl. Sprinklè thè chickèn piècès with a bit of salt and thè pèppèr. Cook thè chickèn until wèll brownèd, turning règularly, for about 8 minutès in all thèn rèmovè chickèn to a platè. You can rèmovè somè of thè fat in thè pan if you havè lots, but do lèavè ènough to cook thè garlic in thè nèxt stèp.
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